8 research outputs found

    An exploratory study of movie-induced tourism motivations a case of SF-filmtown

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    KalastusmatkailuelÀmyksen asiakasarvo

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    Customer value in fishing tourism experience This research helps understand experiential value in fishing tourism, the related value dimensions, and different fishing tourist types based on these value dimensions. The data consists of 13 interviews among Finnish fishing hobbyists, who regularly take fishing tourism trips in Finland and abroad. The interviews were analyzed by theory-guided content analysis within the framework of consumption values, with togetherness as an additional value dimension. The findings suggest four factors relate to value creation in fishing tourism experiences:  1) fishing activity and catching fish (functional value), 2) nature and closeness to nature (emotional value), 3) spending time with friends and/or family (togetherness), and 4) mental wellbeing (emotional value). Togetherness, emotional value, and sensorial perceptions of the experience were the most significant factors in the creation of experiential value. Being together links to mental wellbeing. As for fishing tourist types, most interviewees were in the fishing with friends group. The second biggest group, nature enthusiasts, appreciated the nature and authenticity of a destination. Explorers valued novelty, and build their fishing tourism experience on unfamiliar destinations and new experiences. Only one person was classified as a committed fishing tourist. For this group, catching a big fish was the core fishing tourism experience. In conclusion, the authors suggest that the framework of consumption values combined with the value of togetherness is more suitable for examining leisure activity-based tourism experiences than previous tourism experience frameworks.Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on lisĂ€tĂ€ ymmĂ€rrystĂ€ siitĂ€, miten kalastusmatkailuelĂ€myksen arvo muodostuu ja millaisia sisĂ€ltöjĂ€ arvon eri ulottuvuudet edustavat. Tavoitteena on myös tunnistaa erilaisia kalastusmatkailijatyyppejĂ€ sen perusteella, mitkĂ€ arvokomponentit koetaan tĂ€rkeimmiksi kalastusmatkailuelĂ€myksen muodostumisessa. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat suomalaiset vakavasti harrastukseensa suhtautuvat kalastuksen harrastajat, jotka tekevĂ€t sÀÀnnöllisesti kalastusmatkoja sekĂ€ kotimaassa ettĂ€ ulkomailla. AineistonkeruumenetelmĂ€nĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin narratiivista haastattelua, jossa haastateltavia rohkaistiin kertomaan esimerkkejĂ€ ikimuistoisista kalastusmatkoistaan. Haastateltavat valittiin lumipallo-otannalla. Kolmentoista haastattelun aineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavalla sisĂ€llönanalyysilla Shethin, Newmanin ja Grossin (1991) kulutusarvoteorian viitekehyksessĂ€, tĂ€ydennettynĂ€ Komppulan ja Gartnerin (2013) esittĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ yhteisöllisyyden arvolla. Tulosten mukaan kalastuselĂ€myksen muodostuminen oli vahvasti kytköksissĂ€ neljÀÀn tekijÀÀn: 1) kalastamiseen ja saaliin saamiseen (funktionaalinen arvo), 2) luontoon ja luonnonlĂ€heisyyteen (emotionaalinen arvo), 3) ystĂ€vien ja/tai oman perheen kanssa vietettyyn aikaan (yhteisöllinen arvo) sekĂ€ 4) henkiseen hyvinvointiin (emotionaalinen arvo). Yhteisöllisyyden arvo, emotionaalinen arvo ja elĂ€myksen dimensioihin liittyvĂ€t aistihavainnot olivat kaikilla haastatelluilla tĂ€rkeitĂ€ elĂ€mysarvoa tuottavia asioita. YhdessĂ€ oleminen ja tekeminen oli sidoksissa henkiseen hyvinvointiin. Kaveriporukassa kalastavat olikin aineistossa yleisin kalastusmatkailijatyyppi. Toiseksi eniten haastatelluissa oli luonnosta nauttijoita, jotka arvostavat luontoa ja kohteen autenttisuutta. Uutuusarvoa arvostavilla tutkimusmatkailijoilla kalastuselĂ€myksen ydin rakentuu tuntemattomissa kohteissa saavutettaviin uusiin kokemuksiin. Harvinaisin tyyppi, jota edusti vain yksi henkilö, oli harrastukseen sitoutunut kalastusmatkailija. HĂ€nelle elĂ€myksen ydin on suurten kalojen saaminen. Tutkimuksen johtopÀÀtöksenĂ€ esitetÀÀn, ettĂ€ Shethin, Newmanin ja Grossin (1991) malli, tĂ€ydennettynĂ€ yhteisöllisyyden kaksiulotteisella (perheyhteisö, kaveriyhteisö) arvolla, soveltuu aiempia matkailuelĂ€myksen viitekehyksiĂ€ paremmin harrastuspohjaisen matkailuelĂ€myksen tarkasteluun. Vaikka monissa harrasteissa itse suoritus tapahtuu yksin, kokemusten jakaminen jonkin yhteisön kanssa voi olla tĂ€rkeÀÀ

    Effect of interfacial surface treatment on bond strength of particulate-filled composite to short fiber-reinforced composite

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    Objective: The aim was to investigate the effect of different interfacial surface treatments on the shear bond strength (SBS) between a short fiber-reinforced flowable composite (SFRC) and a particulate-filled flowable composite (PFC). In addition, SBS between two successive layers of similar materials was evaluated.Materials and methods: One-hundred and forty-four specimens were prepared having either SFRC (everX Flow) as a substructure composite and PFC (G-aenial Flo X) as a surface composite or having one of the two materials as both substructure and surface layer. Eight groups of specimens were created (n = 18/per group) according to the interfacial surface protocol used. Group 1: no treatment; Group 2: ethanol one wipe; Group 3: ethanol three wipes; Group 4: phosphoric acid etching + bonding agent; Group 5: hydrofluoric acid etching + bonding agent; and Group 6: grinding + phosphoric acid etching. Group 7: only PFC layers and Group 8 (control) only SFRC layers without any surface treatment. After one-day storage (37 °C), SBS between surface and substructure composite layers was measured in a universal testing machine, and failure modes were visually analyzed. SEM was used to examine the bonding surface of the SFRC composite after surface treatment. SBS values were statistically analyzed with a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by the Tukey HSD test (α = .05).Results: The SBS between successive SFRC layers (Group 8) was statistically (p Conclusion: Flowable composite with glass fibers (everX Flow) showed higher interlayer SBS compared to PFC flowable composite. Interfacial surface roughness increases the bonding of PFC to the substructure of SFRC.</p

    Adhesion of individually formed fiber post adhesively luted with flowable short fiber composite

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    AbstractThis laboratory study aimed to measure the push-out bond strength of individually formed fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) post luted with flowable short fiber-reinforced composite (SFRC) and to evaluate the influence of post coating with light-cured adhesive. Post spaces (Ø 1.7 mm) were drilled into 20 single-rooted decoronated premolar teeth. Post spaces were etched and treated with light-cured universal adhesive (G-Premio Bond). Individually formed FRC posts (Ø 1.5 mm, everStick) were luted either with light-cured SFRC (everX Flow) or conventional particulate-filled (PFC) dual-cure luting cement (G-CEM LinkForce). Half of the posts from each group were treated with dimethacrylate adhesive resin (Stick Resin) for 5 min before luting. After storage in water for two days, the roots were sectioned into 2 mm thick disks (n = 10/per group). Then, a push-out test-setup was used in a universal testing machine to measure the bond strength between post and dentin. The interface between post and SFRC was inspected using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Data were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance ANOVA (p = .05). Higher bond strength values (p  .05) on bond strength values. Light microscope images showed the ability of discontinuous short fibers in SFRC to penetrate into FRC posts. The use of flowable SFRC as luting material with individually formed FRC posts proved to be a promising method to improve the interface adhesion

    Browning of boreal lakes: Do public perceptions and governance align with the biological foundations?

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    Browning of surface waters, also known as brownification, is a process of decreasing water transparency, particularly in boreal lakes surrounded by intensively managed forests and wetlands. In this paper, we review the ecological consequences and ecosystem-based management (EBM) of browning through a systematic review approach and adopt an interdisciplinary approach to formulating new governance of this complex phenomenon. To understand the effects of browning on the recreational value of freshwaters, we present primary survey data on public perceptions of recreational fishing tourists on water quality in Finland. We identify a need to develop EBM beyond the EU's Water Framework Directive (WFD) to fully account for the extensive implications of browning. We also highlight the need for a better understanding of the within-lake microbial processes to estimate the browning-associated changes in the greenhouse gas balance of lakes. Tourist perceptions of the quality of waterbodies in Finland were largely in agreement with the general proportion of waterbodies classified in a good or excellent ecological status class, but these perceptions may be detached from biological quality assessment criteria. Consequently, we suggest that the EBM of inland waters should improve the utilization of information on not only biogeochemical processes but also users' perspectives on aquatic ecosystems beyond the EU WFD